Artificial Intelligence

Skill: 70 %
3 years of experience

Artificial intelligence is probably one of the most sci-fi-like terms you heard when stumbling around in the field of computer science. Yet it has become very common in everyday life. Systems that you are using every day and that would never cross your mind when thinking of artificial intelligence use it.

May it be search engines like google, suggestion systems developed and used by youtube and similar services, banking or security systems. Even Mcdonald’s recently announced it would partner up with IBM to automate and optimize its drive-through lanes. However, Tesla cars are probably the most known usage of artificial intelligence.

This field has such a big impact on the world that without it we would be at high risk of slipping back to the dark ages. If you want to join an immensely interesting field with a future, artificial intelligence is probably what you are looking for.

Pretty soon after starting college I became very interested in that field, which also is the main reason I accepted the faculty offer to work as an assistant in the laboratory for artificial intelligence and graphics.

Unsupervised learning is especially interesting to me since it represents the ability of a man-made machine to bring sense to an unordered cluster of data. It is also the topic I put the most effort into and also build my college thesis around it.