Data Science

Skill: 70 %
3 years of experience

With the rapid advancement of the digital industry more and more data is starting to be available. If once we were getting mere kilobytes of data, today we can get, and also have to process, terabytes of data per day.

The amount of data gathered is huge and one single person can’t maintain and analyze the data amount that is coming in daily. That’s where data science comes in handy. It is processing and extrapolating new data from huge amounts of already available information to get information, that is useful for the company as well as the end customer.

Data science is an extremely interesting and challenging branch of computer science. If you like statistics and programming this topic would suit you. When working in a startup company I had to manage gigabytes of data per day.

Admittedly it is not as much as you may think, but it was enough to spark my interest. After all, computer science mostly consists of data, and extracting new data from already existing information is quite the thrill.

As the company grew so did the data we gathered on a daily basis. And with the ever-growing amount of data, the complexity of analyzing it grew with it. Especially Classification and clustering techniques were on my daily menu. Data science is one of the most interesting topics in computer science and I fully intend to get back into this industry.